
Figure 3. Soft electronics based on magnetic composites. (A) Giant magnetoelastic effect in a soft system. Left frame: sketch of the porous soft system and its internal structure. Right frame: illustration of the magnetic flux density of the soft system in the initial and compressed states. Spheres in red and blue colors represent micromagnets. Reproduced with permission from Ref.[118]. Copyright© 2021. Springer Nature; (B) Soft magnetic skin with force self-decoupled. Left frame: illustration of the human skin structure and the soft tactile sensor. Right frames: working principle of the tactile sensor. Reproduced with permission from Ref.[122]. Copyright© 2021. The American Association for the Advancement of Science; (C) Nanocomposite cilia tactile sensor, which mimics the neuron in natural cilia. Top frames: schematic illustration of the sensor. Bottom frames: fabrication process of the tactile sensor. <i><ii> Deposition and pattern of permalloy/Cu/permalloy by e-beam evaporation and photolithography; <iii>-<v> Fabrication of the cilia using a PMMA mold. <vi> Optical images of the cilia. Reproduced with permission from Ref.[128]. Copyright© 2015. John Wiley and Sons; (D) A magnetically levitated flexible vibration sensor with surface micropyramid arrays. Top frames: layer-by-layer structure and images of the assembled sensor. Bottom frames: <i> Schematics of the magnetic field distribution for membranes with and without microstructures. <ii> Image of the micropyramid arrays on a magnetic membrane. <iii> Illustration of the magnetization mechanism. <iv> Images of two types of coils surrounding the pyramid (red dashed rectangle) and between the pyramid (blue dashed rectangle). Reproduced with permission from Ref.[129]. Copyright© 2022. American Chemical Society. GMI: Giant magneto-impedance; NdFeB: neodymium iron boron; PDMS: polydimethylsiloxane.