
Portable green energy out of the blue: hydrogel-based energy conversion devices

Figure 5. (A) Schematic of TGCs containing only I-/I3- (n-type) and pNIPAm/(I-/I3-) (p-type). (B) The phase change of pNIPAm nanogels and the redox reaction of I-/I3-. (C) Concentration change ratio of I- and I3- at different temperatures. (D) Voc as a function of temperature difference with and without pNIPAm nanogels in the I-/I3- electrolyte. (E) I-V curves and corresponding power at ΔT = 10 K. (F and G) Schematic of TGCs containing MC/(I-/I3-) at different temperatures, switching from n-type (Thot < Ttransition) to p-type (Thot > Ttransition). (H) Schematic of a TGC containing MC/(I-/I3-)/KCl at Thot > Ttransition. (I) Voc as a function of hot electrode temperature for various MC/(I-/I3-) electrolytes with different MC amounts. The temperature of the cold electrode was 24 °C. (J) Voc as a function of hot electrode temperature for 2 wt % MC/(I-/I3-)/KCl with varying KCl amounts. The temperature of the cold electrode was 24 °C. (K) Salt-induced complexation, K+ and I3- ions interacted with MC via O sites and methyl groups. (L) Voc and maximum power for I-/I3-, MC/(I-/I3-), and MC/(I-/I3-)/KCl TGCs. (A-D) Reprinted with permission from Ref.[52]. Copyright 2019 Elsevier. (E-K) Reprinted with permission from Ref.[53]. Copyright 2020 American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging


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