
Figure 11. Schematic potential profile of (A) gelatin/KCl, (B) gelatin/(Fe(CN)63-/Fe(CN)64-), and (C) gelatin/(Fe(CN)63-/Fe(CN)64-)/KCl i-TEs. (D) Schematic illustration of diffusion, redox reactions, and interaction of various ions in gelatin/(Fe(CN)63-/Fe(CN)64-)/KCl i-TE at a ΔT. (E) The fractional contribution of each effect to α in gelatin/(Fe(CN)63-/Fe(CN)64-)/KCl i-TE. (F) Voc of the i-TE in quasi-continuous charging-discharging at a ΔT = 8.5 K for 100 cycles. (G) Power, voltage, and current during the fifth discharging in (F).