Figure 10. (A) Schematic of PEDOT:PSS/CuCl2 TDC. (B) Hydrodynamic radius (Rh) of PEDOT:PSS/CuCl2 particles in the diluted solutions. (C) ToF-SIMS map of the Cl- distribution on the cross-section. (D) Cl- fluorescence mapping in heating-cooling cycles of the PEDOT:PSS/CuCl2 TDC under UV lamp and (E) corresponding thermal images. (F) Schematic of PVA/HCl TDCs and H+ channels. (G) Schematic illustration of ions in PVA/HCl TDC at a ΔT. (H) 4-stage charging-discharging cycle of PVA/HCl TDC at a ΔT = 1 K