
Viral sequencing to inform the global elimination of dog-mediated rabies - a systematic review

Figure 4. The spatial distribution of dog-associated RABV clades reported from Asia, Africa and Latin America. Each country is shaded according to the number of publicly available sequences with at least 90% gene or genome coverage and labelled with a pie chart representing the RABV phylogenetic clades (denoted as Major.Minor clade in the legend e.g., Cosmopolitan. AF1a is major clade Cosmopolitan and minor clade AF1b, while sequences lacking resolution for a minor clade designation are assigned “NA”) within each country and sized according to the number of publications. Note that major and minor clades are annotated according to RABV-GLUE designations[15], but may be annotated differently in primary publications. The correspondence between annotations are detailed in Supplementary Table 1. RABV: Rabies virus; GLUE: gene-linked by underlying evolution.

One Health & Implementation Research
ISSN 2769-6413 (Online)


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