
Figure 2. The phylogenetic tree constructed by analyzing the nucleotide sequences of the 1,110 nt N gene fragment (position in the N gene: 100-1,209) of rabies virus isolates. Legend: The Gannoruwa bat Lyssavirus sequence was used as an outgroup. Square brackets indicate the genetic lineages of the rabies virus. Diamonds mark isolates from this study. The captions for the rest of the isolates indicate GenBank access number, name of the isolate, country, region of detection (if known), year of detection, and host animal species. Abbreviations for animal species: rd: raccoon dog; rf: red fox; sf: steppe fox (corsac); af: arctic fox; dog: dog; cow: cattle; w: wolf; gt: goat; hu: a person; nd: no data. Bootstrap values are presented for critical nodes.