Figure 1. Location of the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. (A) Philippines map showing the MIMAROPA region (dark gray) which includes the province of Oriental Mindoro (blue); (B) Oriental Mindoro Province on the island of Mindoro, showing municipality borders, the human population density (blue), major primary roads (yellow), nine ABTCs: three at major hospitals (white dots with red crosses) and six at community-level clinics (red dots), and nine Rural Health Units (black triangles) that referred bite patients for PEP (i.e., without ABTCs). Human density was calculated at the barangay (village) level from 2020 census data[18]. The adjacent province of Occidental Mindoro is labeled and shown in gray. Polygon and line data were sourced from UN-OCHA Humanitarian Data Exchange Project[19]. ABTCs: Animal Bite Treatment Centers; PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis.