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Copper and liver fibrosis in MASLD: the two-edged sword of copper deficiency and toxicity

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Metab Target Organ Damage 2024;4:33.
10.20517/mtod.2024.47 |  © The Author(s) 2024.
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Copper is a trace metal whose absence or deficiency can cause structural and functional alterations that can be corrected by copper administration. Copper excess is associated with significant liver toxicity, such as that seen in Wilson’s disease, which often exhibits liver steatosis and can be managed by copper sequestrants. Copper, due to its ability to either accept or donate electrons, is a cofactor in many physiological redox reactions, playing an essential role in cell energy homeostasis, detoxification of reactive oxygen species, and hepatic immunometabolism. Given these facts, it is reasonable to speculate that copper might be involved in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis in the setting of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MASLD). To address this research question, a narrative review of published studies was conducted, spanning from the needs, sources, and toxicity of copper to Menkes and Wilson’s disease. Most epidemiological studies have demonstrated that MASLD is associated with copper deficiency. However, several studies show that MASLD is associated with copper excess and very few conclude that copper is not associated with MASLD. Therefore, the putative pathomechanisms associating both copper excess and deficiency with MASLD development and progression are reviewed. In conclusion, epidemiological and pathogenic data support the notion that well-balanced copper homeostasis is a prerequisite for liver health. Accordingly, both copper excess and deficiency may potentially predispose to liver fibrosis via the development of MASLD. Therefore, studies aimed at restoring normal bodily stores of copper should be tailored according to precision medicine approaches based on the specific features of copper metabolism in individual MASLD patients.


Copper, epidemiology, fructose, iron, liver histology, pathomechanisms, sex differences, steatohepatitis


Metals play crucial roles in the liver as essential cofactors, catalysts, or regulators of biochemical reactions, contributing to various metabolic activities[1]. These activities include maintaining energy balance, synthesizing hormones, producing and storing proteins, lipids, sugars, and fats, as well as metabolizing xenobiotics, excreting unwanted substances through bile, and performing various immunological functions[2]. Hemochromatosis is a well-known example of liver disease caused by the accumulation of metals in liver tissue[3].

Disturbed homeostasis of copper is typically associated with the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and metabolic imbalance, leading to DNA damage and apoptosis[4], as well as hepatic and neurological diseases such as Wilson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases[5]. Additionally, it is linked to various cardio-metabolic disorders, including arterial hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, aortic calcifications, and stroke[6-9]. Given the strong association between steatotic liver disease and cardiometabolic disorders[10], this research suggests the possibility of linking deranged copper metabolism with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD).

The first investigation incidentally highlighting the role of copper in what we now call MASLD was published in 2003 by Loria et al.[11]. These authors found that, compared to MASLD individuals who were negative for non-organ-specific autoantibodies (NOSA), serum values of copper and ceruloplasmin levels were more elevated among NOSA-positive MASLD patients, none of whom had any evidence supporting the diagnosis of Wilson’s disease. These authors argued that raised copper levels could result from hepato-cytolysis, that high serum copper concentrations are associated with an increased risk of vascular mortality, and ceruloplasmin is an acute-phase reactant. On these grounds, Loria et al. suggested that elevated copper and ceruloplasmin levels in NOSA-positive subjects might indicate increased cardiovascular risk[11]. Studies conducted in animal models have yielded conflicting results regarding copper’s role in experimentally induced liver fibrosis[12,13].

A recent conversation among the authors ( inspired the current narrative review article dedicated specifically to the underappreciated and controversial role of copper excess and deficiency in the development of liver fibrosis associated with MASLD. More than 20 years after the initial clinical observations, we decided to update our understanding of the role of copper in liver fibrosis among individuals with MASLD. To achieve this, we conducted a bibliographic search in the PubMed database using key terms such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), MASLD, steatohepatitis, fibrosis, and copper. This search spanned from inception to May 31, 2024. Relevant articles identified by both authors were included, along with cross-references and any additional publications from the authors’ personal archives.

Needs and sources of copper, toxicity, and deficiency

Needs and sources

Copper is one of eleven essential trace elements, the absence of which can lead to biochemical, structural, and functional alterations that can be corrected by administering the missing element[14].

Healthy adults require daily oral intake of copper ranging from 1.1 to 2 mg per day, a requirement typically met through Western diets[14]. Dietary sources of copper include potable water, liver, meats, shellfish, seeds, beans, cereals, nuts, potatoes, whole grains, vegetables, mushrooms, crustaceans, and chocolate[14,15].

Copper toxicity and Wilson’s disease

The potential toxicity of copper is exemplified by Wilson’s disease (WD)[16,17]. WD is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by pathogenic variants of the ATP7B gene, which encodes a P-type copper transport ATPase, leading to the accumulation of toxic copper concentrations in various organs, particularly the liver and brain[18]. As a result, WD may manifest as hepatic, neurologic, or psychiatric symptoms, or a combination of these [Table 1][17,19,20].

Table 1

Clinical manifestations of Wilson’s Disease

HepaticHepatomegaly, steatotic liver disease, hepatitis and cirrhosis. Wilson’s disease rarely manifests as acute liver failure
NeurologicEarly manifestations in adolescents may include clumsiness, decline in athletic skills, or decreased academic performance, tremors, incoordination, and difficulty with fine motor skills. Tremors, dystonia, athetosis, problems with writing, dysarthria, ataxic gait, and Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms can also be present. Drooling and difficulty swallowing suggest pseudobulbar involvement. Sleep disorders and restless legs syndrome are being increasingly identified. While cognitive functions are typically preserved, there may be subtle impairments in executive function or integrative abilities
PsychiatricDepressive disorders are common and bipolar disorder and psychosis may develop. Phobias and compulsive behaviors, as well as aggressive and antisocial behaviors, have been described
OcularKayser-Fleischer rings, sunflower cataracts
Other manifestationsRenal*: tubular dysfunction can range from mild hydroelectrolytic and acid-base disorders to complete Fanconi syndrome and include proximal and distal renal tubular acidosis, nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis. Additionally, the development of tubular casts may occur during acute hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis, or bile cast nephropathy. Other symptoms may include aminoaciduria and acute kidney failure
Cardiac: arrhythmias or cardiomyopathy
Musculoskeletal: arthritis, osteopenia, osteoporosis, deformity, rhabdomyolysis, and Duchenne-like muscular weakness
Endocrine: panhypopituitarism; hypoparathyroidism; amenorrhea, infertility, and testicular dysfunction
Other potential complications: acute hemolysis and pancytopenia

The clinical diagnosis of WD disease remains challenging due to the wide-ranging spectrum of manifestations in the individual patient[18]. Interestingly, an estimated subset of 30% of WD patients, who are primarily detected through family screening, are asymptomatic and considered to be in the “pre-destructive phase of copper accumulation”[21]. In symptomatic individuals, the diagnosis of WD relies on a high level of suspicion determined by a compatible medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, liver biopsy, and imaging of the central nervous system[17]. Studies indicate that WD may be prevalent among individuals with unexplained (cryptogenic) chronic liver disease in specific geographical areas[22].

Clinical chemistry includes liver tests, serum ceruloplasmin levels, and basal 24-hour Cupruria. While it is uncommon, ceruloplasmin levels can fall within the normal range in WD. However, ceruloplasmin levels alone are not sufficient for diagnosis unless they are extremely low (< 5 mg per deciliter), which strongly indicates the presence of the disease. Alternatively, levels between < 11.5-14 mg/dL may also suggest WD[23,24]. Basal 24-hour urinary copper excretion is typically > 40 μg.

Liver biopsy permits establishing the severity of liver damage, ruling out competing etiologies of liver disease (e.g., autoimmune hepatitis, MASLD, aceruloplasminemia, and other rare genetic disorders), and enables copper quantification[17]. Liver histology in proven WD may mimic NAFLD[25] and NASH[26], and intrahepatic accumulation of copper is strongly associated with the extent of steatosis[27]. Therefore, electron microscopy is considered essential in the diagnostic work-up of pediatric liver biopsies, given that ultrastructural mitochondrial abnormalities help to distinguish WD from NAFLD and autoimmune hepatitis[28].

Additional investigations include brain magnetic resonance imaging, and the identification of ATP7B mutations[17] based on which the prevalence rate of WD is now estimated to be 1 in 7,026 people compared to 1 in 35,000-45,000 people before the advent of this molecular investigation[18]. Emerging diagnostic approaches include determining the relative exchangeable copper, proteomics-based methods, and positron emission tomography[17,29,30]. WD with acute onset is clinically indistinguishable from other acute liver diseases. Fulminant onset is a strong indication for liver transplantation[31]. Accepted innovative management options in WD are displayed in Table 2[17,21,30].

Table 2

Management options in Wilson’s disease

MedicalDiet avoiding copper-rich foodWD cannot be successfully treated with diet alone
D-penicillaminePrimary treatment
Trientine dihydrochloridePrimary treatment
Trientine tetrahydrochlorideNoninferior to penicillamine
Zinc saltsMaintenance therapy
Liver transplantReserved for individuals with acute liver failure or decompensated chronic liver disease who are unresponsive to medical treatmentNeurologic WD remains a controversial primary indication for liver transplantation, but it is a promising option for individuals with severe neurological manifestations who do not respond to medical treatment
Emerging treatmentsTTMVery high-affinity copper-specific chelator
MethanobactinThis compound halts oxidative stress and hepatic mitochondrial injury by increasing the biliary excretion of copper
CurcuminAble to rescue the subcellular localization of misfolded gene products of ATP7B variants in vitro
Inhibitors of stress kinases p38 and JNKUnder development
Reduction of cell injury caused by copperThe LXR agonist T0901317 and zinc treatment reverse copper-induced functional downregulation of FXR and RXR
Gene therapyViral vectors containing modified ATP7B constructs have been shown to be effective in restoring copper homeostasis and preventing liver injury in rodent models of WD. Although experience with lentiviral gene delivery is limited, adenovirus-associated delivery of extrachromosomal DNA can be overcome by using smaller ATP7B constructs. This approach has successfully transfected hepatocytes and corrected metabolic defects in rodent models and is currently being evaluated in Phase 1 and 2 studies
Gene repairSomatic gene modification can be achieved using CRISPR-Cas to correct ATP7B mutations and restore proper copper transport in hepatocytes, like that in an unaffected simple heterozygote
Hepatocyte transplantationTested in WD rodent models, this technique requires immunosuppression to prevent rejection of the transplanted cells in humans. Innovative cell transplantation strategies such as autologous liver progenitor cells or non-hepatic stem cells are being evaluated to avoid the need for immunosuppression. A concern is that, unlike liver transplantation, hepatocyte transplantation may not correct portal hypertension and its complications

It is postulated that it is impossible to remove any amount of copper from the liver tissue. Therefore, the aim of therapy is to target albumin-bound non-ceruloplasmin free copper, which is toxic. This goal can be achieved by copper chelators, especially zinc[19].

Open issues in the treatment of WD

Further research is needed to differentiate the natural course of WD from treatment-related early deterioration[32]. During treatment, monitoring of copper metabolism is essential[33].

Copper deficiency and Menkes disease

Causes of copper deficiency

Copper deficiency can arise from rare hereditary causes or, more commonly, acquired origins. Examples include insufficient stores (found in preterm newborns and infants), inadequate intakes (a significant portion of the North American population consumes insufficient amounts of dietary copper, which is considered a risk factor for the development of MASLD), increased demands (such as during pregnancy, lactation, and wound healing), increased losses and malabsorption (which often occurs as a result of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass bariatric surgery)[14,15,34].

Menkes disease

First described in 1962, Menkes disease is caused by approximately 360 different mutations in the ATP7A gene, located on Xq21.1, which encodes the ATP7A transmembrane protein[35]. The incidence of Menkes disease varies among different countries, with the highest rates found in Australia, possibly due to the founder effect[35]. Menkes disease is an X-linked recessive trait, leading to the majority of patients being male, while females are usually carriers and only a few female patients have been reported. Menkes disease typically manifests between six to eight weeks after birth with seizures or growth failure[35]. Skin hypopigmentation, hair abnormalities, joint tissues, bone, and vascular complaints are also common. Renal complications may arise due to copper accumulation in the proximal renal tubule and various eye disorders have also been observed in Menkes disease[35].

Typically, death occurs by the age of three years, often due to vascular complications or respiratory infections[35]. In adults, copper deficiency can manifest with anemia, altered immunity, and manifestations of the cardiovasculature and the skin[14].

Diagnosis of copper deficiency

Copper deficiency may be identified by cupremia < 0.8 μg/mL (12.6 μmol/L). Cupremia and ceruloplasminemia increase in the presence of active inflammation proportionally to the intensity of the inflammatory process, therefore masking partial copper deficiency[14,36]. Ceruloplasmin < 20 mg/L associated with hypocupremia and raised C-reactive Protein strongly support copper deficiency[14]. Finally, genetic variants of ceruloplasmin have been associated with hypocupremia[37], hyperferritinemia, increased hepatic iron stores, and more severe liver fibrosis among MASLD patients[38].

Management of copper deficiency

The parenteral route of copper administration should be used if intestinal absorption is compromised or if copper deficiency is severe[39]. However, intravenous copper administration can induce severe hemolysis and potentially lethal hepatic necrosis[40].

Metabolic fate and physiological functions of copper

The absorption of Cu+ in the gut occurs when dietary Cu++ is reduced due to the activity of cytochrome B reductase 1 and the 6-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate family proteins. This process is highly regulated and saturable, primarily mediated by copper transport protein 1 located in the apical portion of intestinal epithelial cells[14,41,42]. Cu+ is taken up by a high-affinity transporter on the hepatocyte cell membrane, incorporated into ceruloplasmin, released into the bloodstream, delivered to all organs, and eventually excreted via the biliary route[14]. Figure 1 summarizes the metabolic pathways of copper from intake to excretion.

Copper and liver fibrosis in MASLD: the two-edged sword of copper deficiency and toxicity

Figure 1. Metabolic fate of copper. The magnification of the duodenum illustrates the notion that this segment of the digestive system is mainly responsible for the absorption of copper, together with the stomach and jejunum. The transport of copper in the blood is mediated by copper-binding proteins, among which ceruloplasmin and albumin play a prominent role. In addition to bile and the urinary system, a fraction of the copper contained in food is directly excreted in stool[14,41,42].

Due to its ability to transfer electrons, copper plays a crucial role in cell energy homeostasis by generating an electrical gradient utilized by mitochondria to synthesize adenosine triphosphate[43,44]. Additional physiological roles of copper include detoxification of reactive oxygen species, synthesis of neurotransmitters, control of epigenetic modifications, and modulation of immune-metabolic phenomena[44-47].

Copper and MASLD

Conflicting epidemiological evidence

Table 3 demonstrates that most studies support an association between altered copper homeostasis and MASLD, while only a few studies have found copper to be neutral. Among the former group of published studies, the number of studies revealing that copper decreased in MASLD outweighs those showing that copper increased. While thorough assessment with meta-analytic reviews is necessary, it is important to note that a meta-analytic review of six published studies[68] discovered low hepatic copper concentration in NAFLD, while serum copper and ceruloplasmin were not linked to NAFLD. To date, only one Mendelian Randomization analysis has been published on this topic[72], which reported negative results by revealing no causal association between copper and NAFLD.

Table 3

Epidemiological evidence linking disrupted Copper homeostasis with MASLD

Author, year[Ref]MethodFindingsConclusion
Copper is increased
Liggi et al., 2013[27]Comparative analysis of 35 WD patients and 44 NASH patientsPatients with severe steatosis had higher liver copper concentrations compared to those with mild and moderate steatosis. Liver copper content was positively and significantly correlated with steatosis scoresHepatic steatosis in WD is strongly associated with copper accumulation in the liver tissue rather than with metabolic comorbidities
Guo et al., 2013[48]Blood chemistry was assessed in 30 HC, 30 NAFLD-free CHC patients, and 32 with HCV-NAFLDCompared to individuals with CHC, those with HCV-NAFLD had higher Cu plasma concentrations of CuThe deterioration of Cu homeostasis may reflect increased oxidative stress and inflammation
Porcu et al., 2018[49]NAFLD cirrhosis (n = 20); NAFLD-HCC (n = 9); and HC (n = 20)Individuals with NAFLD cirrhosis had higher serum Cu concentrations than HC. Higher cupremia was found among NAFLD-HCC than in NAFLD-cirrhosis. Cu levels could be used as a valuable biomarker in differentiating HCC from cirrhosisCu may be involved in the progression from NAFLD cirrhosis to NAFLD-HCC
Chen et al., 2021[50]Cross-sectional survey of 3,211 subjects was conducted using data from the NHANES database. NAFLD was defined using HSI and USFLI criteriaBeing in the highest quartile of Cu levels was associated with a 97% increased risk of NAFLD at LRA. The risk of Cu on NAFLD was more pronounced among middle-aged women and those with lower HOMA-IR and non-MetS compared to controls. Circulating Cu was correlated with the severity of NAFLD only in menHigh serum Cu levels are significantly associated with NAFLD (particularly among women, middle-aged individuals, and those with low insulin resistance) and severe NAFLD
Zhang et al., 2023[51]A cohort-based case-control study enrolled 648 men with NAFLD and 648 NAFLD-free control menA single metal analysis revealed significant relationships between Cu and NAFLDCompared to single metals, exposure to mixtures of metals is associated with a higher risk of NAFLD
Hou et al., 2023[52]This cross-sectional study enrolled 5,976 subjects (of whom 3,437 had MAFLD) from the NHANES databaseAfter adjusting for potential confounding factors, Cu intake at quartile 3 and quartile 4 was found to be associated with a decreased risk of MAFLDHigh Cu intake is associated with MAFLD in the general US population
Li et al., 2024[53]This study included 1,377 participants from the NHANES 2011-2016 database. The diagnosis of NAFLD and its fibrotic progression were determined with serum biomarkersHigher serum Cu levels were associated with an increased prevalence of NAFLD and advanced liver fibrosis. Additionally, serum Cu levels were positively associated with hypertension and overweight. Moreover, women under 60 years and those with a BMI > 24.9 kg/m2 were the most vulnerable to the Cu-and-NAFLD associationIn the U.S. population, elevated serum Cu levels due to metabolic dysfunction are associated with an increased risk of development and fibrotic progression of NAFLD
Copper is decreased
Aigner et al., 2008[54]Retrospective study of 140 patients with NAFLD and 25 controlsCompared to controls, NAFLD patients had lower hepatic copper concentrations. NAFLD patients with low serum and liver Cu concentrations also had higher serum ferritin levels, increased histological prevalence of hepatic siderosis, and elevated hepatic iron concentrations. Additionally, these patients had lower serum concentrations of the copper-dependent ferroxidase ceruloplasmin and decreased liver FP-1 mRNA expression compared to NAFLD patients with high liver or serum Cu concentrations. In rats, a reduced dietary copper intake was associated with decreased hepatic FP-1 protein expressionNAFLD patients are often copper deficient, which is associated with increased stores of hepatic iron. This is due to impaired export of iron from the liver, caused by decreased expression of FP-1 and ceruloplasmin ferroxidase activity
Aigner et al., 2010[55]Liver and serum Cu concentrations were determined in 124 subjects with NAFLD (31 with NASH) and compared to 50 individuals with CHC, 35 with hemochromatosis, 13 with ALD, 11 with AIH, and 27 HCSubjects with NAFLD had lower hepatic Cu concentrations compared to healthy controls and patients with other liver diseases. In NAFLD, lower liver Cu levels were correlated with steatosis, fasting glycemia, and components of MetS. Subjects with NASH had lower hepatic Cu concentrations than individuals with simple steatosisIn humans, decreased hepatic Cu concentrations are associated with NAFLD, more severe steatosis, NASH, and characteristics of the MetS
Nobili et al., 2013[56]100 children with biopsy-proven NAFLDDecreased serum ceruloplasmin and Cu levels are associated with more severe liver histologyThe serum antioxidant capacity is strongly associated with the histological severity of NAFLD in children
Church et al., 2015[57]Experimental study was conducted in defatted-dried liver samples from ob/ob miceMetal measurements in the livers showed a specific decrease in Cu levels in ob/ob mice, which is consistent with hepatic isolated Cu deficiencyAnalysis of the ob/ob mouse model shows consistent signs of hepatic selective Cu deficiency
Stättermayer et al., 2017[58]174 cases of NAFLD that have been confirmed through biopsyAn inverse correlation was found between the mean% of steatotic hepatocytes and hepatic Cu content, which remained significant only in patients without MetSIn Mets-free NAFLD patients, the hepatic Cu content is associated with steatosis, while the presence of MetS seems to obscure the effects of hepatic Cu
Mendoza et al., 2017[59]An analysis was conducted on 102 individuals with biopsy-proven NAFLD compared to 48 non-NAFLD controls, all within the pediatric age groupCompared to controls, individuals with NAFLD exhibited lower levels of hepatic Cu (P = 0.005) and tissue Cu concentration decreased in parallel with increasing severity of steatosis (P < 0.001). However, Cu levels were not associated with other histological features such as fibrosis stages, lobular/portal inflammation, or hepatocyte ballooningIn pediatric liver tissue samples, Cu levels are lower in patients with NAFLD than in non-NAFLD controls and the levels are even more reduced in patients with NASH compared to simple steatosis
Fujii et al., 2017[60]A total of 196 subjects underwent pancreatoduodenectomy and computed tomography scans at 1 month, 6 months and 1 year after surgeryAt the multivariate analysis, decreased serum Cu levels and female sex were identified as independent predictors of NAFLD at 1 and 6 monthsNAFLD after pancreatoduodenectomy frequently occurs among women with decreased serum Cu levels
El-Rayah et al., 2018[61]This study involved 231 patients undergoing elective liver transplantationCompared to individuals with liver disease caused by viral and autoimmune etiology, those with ALD or NAFLD had significantly lower serum ceruloplasmin and serum Cu levelsIn liver transplant recipients, SLD of metabolic and alcoholic origin was associated with lower serum ceruloplasmin and Cu levels
Lee et al., 2018[62]Clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed in 751 Korean adults who were divided into quintiles based on their hair Cu concentrationLower hair Cu concentrations were associated with an increased risk of NAFLD and were significantly correlated with the components of metabolic syndrome. However, individuals in the lower hair Cu quintile groups exhibited a significantly higher risk of NAFLD regardless of the components of metabolic syndromeNAFLD is associated with lower hair Cu concentration independent of metabolic syndrome
Nasr et al., 2021[63]Ultra-trace elemental analysis was utilized to determine (manganese, iron, and) Cu using ICP-SFMS in liver tissue samples from 76 subjects with chronically elevated liver testsPatients with steatosis grade ≥ 1 had significantly lower Cu content compared to patients with G0 and hepatic Cu content was inversely correlated with steatosis grade and stereological point counting. Post hoc analysis also demonstrated significant differences in Cu levels between patients with steatosis grade ≥ 2 and those without steatosisPatients with steatosis due to NAFLD or other CLD had reduced levels of Cu in their liver tissues, which were proportional to the increasing grade of steatosis
Lan et al., 2021[64]Case-control study including 1,816 subjects with NAFLD and 1,111 sex- and age-matched controlsAfter adjusting for confounding factors, the risk of NAFLD in the highest quartile of Cu compared to the lowest quartile was 0.57 (95%CI: 0.41-0.80). The protective effect of higher blood Cu increased with the severity of NAFLD. In stratified analysis, a lower Cu concentration was a significant additional factor contributing to a higher risk of NAFLD in male subjects with MetS. However, no significant association was observed between Cu and NAFLD in women with different characteristics, except for an NAFLD fibrosis score < -1.455 and moderate hepatic steatosisHigher blood Cu levels provided significant protection against NAFLD in men but not in women, suggesting sex-specific interventions for disease prevention
Zhang et al., 2022[65]102 biopsy-proven NASH cases were compared to 102 age-, sex-, and residential city-matched controls with NAFLCompared to matched NAFL controls, patients with NASH had significantly lower concentrations of serum Cu. This difference was more pronounced in men than in women. After accounting for confounding factors, each unit increase, standard deviation increase, and doubling of serum Cu levels were associated with approximately a 20%, 40%, and 90% decreased risk of NASH, respectively, even after adjusting for potential confoundersLower serum Cu concentrations are significantly associated with biopsy-proven NASH, especially in men
Kamada et al., 2022[66]The nutritional intake of 37 biopsy-proven NAFLD subjects was compared to the nutritional data of 5,074 controls from the NIHNCompared to individuals with a low BMI, Cu (and vitamin E) intake was lower in NAFLD patients with a high BMIBMI influences the dietary Cu intake in individuals with NAFLD
Xie et al., 2022[67]Experimental study in miceHepatic Cu deficiency mediated by ceruloplasmin upregulation is a cause of NAFLD. Deletion of ceruloplasmin restores Cu levels and alleviates hepatic steatosis through AMPK activation, promotion of mitochondrial biogenesis, and increased FA oxidationCu acts as a signaling molecule to improve the hepatic catabolism of lipids
Chen et al., 2023[68]Meta-analysis of six published articlesThe hepatic concentration of Cu was significantly decreased in NAFLD patients. However, serum Cu and ceruloplasmin were not associated with NAFLDNAFLD has a low hepatic Cu concentration, while serum Cu and ceruloplasmin levels are not associated with NAFLD
Tinkov et al., 2024[69]Case-control study of 140 women with NAFLD and 140 age-matched HCCompared to controls, patients with NAFLD exhibited lower hair Cu content, which was significantly associated with circulating levels of amino acid regardless of confounders. However, no significant differences were found in cupremia between cases and HCAn upset metabolism of trace elements may play a role in the pathogenesis of NAFLD through changes in the levels of circulating amino acids
Jiang et al., 2024[70]This study was conducted on 17 individuals with NAFL, 12 with NASH, and 14 healthy controls. Additionally, a NASH mouse model was included in this studyCompared to those with NAFL or the HC, individuals with NASH had significantly higher ceruloplasmin levels. Consistently, hepatic ceruloplasmin was markedly upregulated in a mouse NASH model. Hepatocyte-specific ablation of ceruloplasmin, leading to the restoration of BA metabolism, mitigates dietary-induced NASHCeruloplasmin plays a key role in NASH and could potentially serve as an effective therapeutic target
Copper is neutral
Arefhosseini et al., 2022[71]141 subjects with NAFLD diagnosed with USGAfter adjusting for confounders, NAFLD was not associated with serum Cu levels or Ceruloplasmin levelsSerum Cu and ceruloplasmin levels are not associated with NAFLD
Liu et al., 2024[72]This MRA aims to clarify the causal relationships between SNPs associated with 14 circulating micronutrients, including Cu, and NAFLD. The data were obtained from a GWAS meta-analysis of 8,434 cases and 770,180 controls in the discovery stage, as well as two additional datasets: 1,483 NAFLD cases and 17,781 controls in replication stage 1, and 2,134 NAFLD cases and 33,433 controls in replication stages 2Various genetically predicted micronutrients were significantly associated with an increased risk of NAFLD. However, Cu was notCu is not causally associated with NAFLD in this MRA

Putative pathomechanisms involved

Copper deficiency

Copper deficiency may potentially increase the risk of MASLD and fibrosing MASH through a variety of pathomechanisms that result from altered energy homeostasis, dysfunctional lipid metabolism, a pro-inflammatory prostaglandin profile, increased lipid peroxidation, and decreased antioxidant defense. Additionally, these physiological effects of copper deficiency may also be potentiated by iron- and fructose-rich diets [Figure 2].

Copper and liver fibrosis in MASLD: the two-edged sword of copper deficiency and toxicity

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the different pathomechanisms involved in the development and progression of in individuals with copper deficiency. MASH: Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis.

Marginal copper deficiency is a risk factor for the development of conditions that exhibit mitochondrial dysfunction and deregulated lipid metabolism, including MASLD[15,73]. Oxidative stress plays a key role in the multi-layered pathogenesis of MASLD, and antioxidants have the potential to combat this condition[74]. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), one of the antioxidant enzymes, depends on adequate copper availability, suggesting that reduced copper availability may eventually result in impaired antioxidant defense, increasing the risk of MASLD and its vascular complications[75].

Western diets exhibit low copper content and excess iron and fructose, suggesting that an unbalanced intake of micronutrients could exert a synergistic role in MASLD[76]. Both fructose and iron inhibit duodenal copper absorption, leading to impaired oxidant defense and increased lipid peroxidation[77,78]. Studies on copper-deficient mice fed a high fructose diet have shown increased lipogenesis[79], biochemical profile, hepatic gene expression, and liver histology consistent with MASLD and MASH independent of obesity[80]. Additionally, low copper bioavailability contributes to iron retention in MASLD[75], supporting investigations assessing the therapeutic effect of dietary copper supplementation among MASLD individuals with proven copper deficiency.

Copper excess

A mutual relationship links excess copper with liver fibrosis in the context of MASLD. On one hand, advanced fibrosis may obscure the relationship between MASLD and copper, compromising the interpretation of study results[59]. On the other hand, excess copper may directly damage hepatocytes via the formation of ROS, severe mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired molecular and metabolic energy production, and activation of macrophages, and eventually result in the fibrotic wound-healing response that follows long-lasting liver injury irrespective of the etiology of chronic liver disease[81,82]. Excess copper induces cell death with a unique pathomechanism, named “cuproptosis”[83].

Cuproptosis features direct binding of excess copper to some lipoylated proteins within the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and this interaction induces the aggregation of copper-lipoylated mitochondrial proteins, reduced levels of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster proteins, proteotoxic stress and culminates in a novel form of cell death, owing to protein toxicity stress[84]. Cuproptosis can be prevented with glutathione, which diminishes copper levels intracellularly and inhibits the aggregation of lipoylated proteins[83,85]. Therefore, the recently described cuproptosis involves an evolutionary ancient mechanism, protein lipoylation: notably, few mammalian proteins are lipoylated, and these are concentrated in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, where lipoylation is required for enzymatic function[83]. Importantly, additional studies should specifically highlight copper’s role in the activation of macrophages[81]. Li et al. have recently identified two cuproptosis-related genes that were closely associated with MASLD[86]. However, the full spectrum of mechanisms, effector molecules, and clinical outcomes associated with cuproptosis in humans remains incompletely understood[87,88].

Recent investigations pinpoint complex cross-talks and potential associations between ferroptosis and cuproptosis, both significantly associated with mitochondrial metabolism[89]. Additionally, intermittent hypoxia, a strong risk factor for MASLD, can deplete hepatic copper reserves, inducing secondary iron deposition, ferroptosis, and progression of MASLD[90].

Ferroptosis, proposed in 2012, involves (often genetically) dysregulated iron homeostasis, unbalanced redox state (associated with the mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen species), and eventually, iron-dependent peroxidation of phospholipids. The three major pathways of ferroptosis include iron storage, peroxidation of lipids, and depletion of cystine[91]. In humans, the main outcomes of ferroptosis include inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiometabolic and liver diseases, sepsis, and cancer[89]. Clinically, excess iron can be treated with iron chelators, which are the mainstay for treating ferroptosis-related disorders[92]. Enzymes involved in lipid synthesis, degradation, and β-oxidation are promising targets for the treatment of ferroptosis-related conditions[93] and cysteine supplementation, by increasing the availability of the antioxidant glutathione, may partially protect from ferroptosis[94].

Further to cuproptosis, another mechanism of excess copper toxicity is of potential interest to the MASLD arena [Figure 3]. It involves decreased binding of various nuclear receptors (FXR, RXR, HNF4α, and LRH-1) to their respective promoter response elements and decreased mRNA expression of nuclear receptor target genes in engineered mouse models and in WD patients of various ages[95]. These findings collectively demonstrate that copper-mediated nuclear receptor dysfunction disrupts liver function in WD and potentially in other disorders associated with increased hepatic copper levels[95]. Among the above-mentioned nuclear receptors, FXR, a bile acid sensor, modulates bile acid and energy homeostasis. It is also a master regulator of lipoprotein and glucose metabolism[96]. FXR agonists such as obeticholic acid and vonafexor play a major role in the treatment of MASLD and MASLD-associated chronic kidney disease[97].

Copper and liver fibrosis in MASLD: the two-edged sword of copper deficiency and toxicity

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the potential connectors associated with MASH development and progression in the context of copper toxicity. In addition to cuproptosis, a novel pathway of cell death linked to excess copper, other pathomechanisms may be involved. These include excess oxidative stress, impaired energy homeostasis due to mitochondrial dysfunction, and macrophage activation with mechanisms that are not well understood. MASH: Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis; FXR: farnesoid X receptor; ROS: reactive oxygen species.


Copper is a double-edged sword. It is a vital cofactor for enzymes involved in various biochemical processes and oxidative/redox balance in the bodies of all animals. However, it can also be toxic, leading to cell death even at modest intracellular concentrations[83]. An excess of copper can result in tissue injury due to oxidative stress mediated by a free-radical pathway. On the other hand, copper deficiency can impair the antioxidant defense system, leading to increased levels of ROS and oxidative damage to lipids, DNA, and proteins[98]. Therefore, a finely orchestrated balance of copper is necessary to maintain human health and prevent oxidative stress and free radical damage. Without this balance, there is a risk of developing metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer[44].

This notion is illustrated by MASLD and MASH pathobiology[99] pointing to the investigation of copper’s role as a potential avenue to uncover important sex-specific pathogenic mechanisms of MASLD initiation, and fibrotic progression[49,58,79,100-102] and the development of targeted therapies that, moving beyond symptomatic treatment, address the underlying root causes of MASLD in individual patients[86].


Authors’ contributions

Made substantial contributions to the conception, design and writing of the study; performed data analysis and interpretation: Lonardo A, Weiskirchen R

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

Lonardo A is the Editor-in-Chief of Metabolism and Target Organ Damage. However, he was not involved in any of the distinct phases in the editorial handling of the manuscript. Weiskirchen R declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.


© The Author(s) 2024.


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Copper and liver fibrosis in MASLD: the two-edged sword of copper deficiency and toxicity
Amedeo LonardoAmedeo Lonardo, Ralf WeiskirchenRalf Weiskirchen

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Lonardo, A.; Weiskirchen R. Copper and liver fibrosis in MASLD: the two-edged sword of copper deficiency and toxicity. Metab. Target. Organ. Damage. 2024, 4, 33.

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