
Effect of cofactors on NAFLD/NASH and MAFLD - a paradigm illustrating the pathomechanics of organ dysfunction

Figure 1. The LDE system (reprinted from[4]). The LDE system, which may be applied to both NAFLD and MAFLD, exhibits a basic syntax including a prefix (“L” for liver), a pathogenic core (“D” for determinants), and a suffix (“E” for extrahepatic). Liver (L): Information regarding liver health, which may also be obtained non-invasively other than histologically. Determinants (D): Information including sex and reproductive status, genetic determinants, and (minimal) endocrine assessment. Extrahepatic (E): Data on extrahepatic manifestations of disease. For example, illustrating this proposed classification, patient Mr. Max Green might be declared to have MAFLD/NAFLD (L, steatosis mild, inflammation absent, and fibrosis absent; D, hypothyroid, no SNP identified, and associated with full-blown MetS; and E, arterial hypertension, medio-intimal carotid thickening, and previous colon cancer).

Metabolism and Target Organ Damage
ISSN 2769-6375 (Online)
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