
Figure 6. (A and B) Violin plots illustrating the adsorption energies of MgCO3 across various environments; (C and D) Graphic representation of feature importance utilizing MDI from GBR model and permutation importance technique from ANN model. Copyright 2024, Royal Society of Chemistry, Reproduced with permission[95]; (E) Representation of predictions generated by a training model using a 3D matrix composed of the three most influential descriptors, with four distinct regions classified by k values, highlighting a matrix of calcination and pyrolysis temperatures and enlarging the area with high k values; (F) Violin plot of SHAP values for the XGBR model (left) and summary plot of SHAP analysis (right). Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society, Reproduced with permission[41]; (G) Illustrating the cruciality of six features through gain value and SHAP value; (H) SHAP summary plot for ML models; (I and J) Violin plots of SHAP values for NV and SHAP dependence for Nn, with blue indicating eligible catalysts and red indicating ineligible ones. Copyright 2023, John Wiley and Sons, Reproduced with permission[100]. MDI: Mean decrease in impurity; GBR: gradient boosting regression; ANN: artificial neural network; SHAP: Shapley Additive Explanations; XGBR: extreme gradient boosting regression; ML: machine learning.