
AI in single-atom catalysts: a review of design and applications

Figure 10. (A) CGCNN process diagram. CGCNN converts crystal structures into feature vectors, learning and predicting material properties. Copyright 2018, American Physical Society, Reproduced with permission[132]; (B) Process diagram for building predictive models using ML. This performance model holds the capability to forecast catalytic-related properties based on computational data and information sourced from material databases; (C) The general steps of catalyst optimization genetic algorithm supported by AI. Copyright 2024, American Chemical Society, Reproduced with permission[136]; (D) Roadmap for generating NES; (E) Workflow of Bayesian Optimization algorithm. Copyright 2021, OAE Publishing Inc. Reproduced with permission[137]; (F) Initial state model with limited data points; (G) Advanced stage of optimization, model improved through a larger dataset; (H) Predicted optimal point by Bayesian optimization algorithm, along with experimental data points obtained. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society, Reproduced with permission[141]. CGCNN: Crystal graph convolutional neural network; ML: machine learning; AI: artificial intelligence; NES: neural evolutionary structures.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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