
Towards mechanical performance paradox and behind thermo-kinetic origins of aluminum alloys with additional solutes (X = Mg, Cu and Si) from atomistic simulations

Figure 4. Yield stress and generalized stability upon tensile deformation of the FCC-Al and Al alloys. The stress at yield point and the generalized stability at strain of ε = 0.1 derived from the driving force and energy barrier for dislocation motion during tensile deformation of (A) binary Al-Mg alloys with different Mg solute contents and (B) ternary Al-Mg-Si alloys with different solutes Mg and Si contents, respectively. Note that the results calculated in this work are denoted by the solid point and the value referred from the literature[82] by the hollow point.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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