
Towards mechanical performance paradox and behind thermo-kinetic origins of aluminum alloys with additional solutes (X = Mg, Cu and Si) from atomistic simulations

Figure 1. Schematic illustration for the tensile tests of (A) FCC-Al and Al-Mg alloy samples with average grain size of 22 nm, where the atoms in the structural model are described in terms of (B) the atomic type of constitutional elements, (C) the common-neighbor analysis, (D) the defects presentation, and (E) the dislocation distribution. Note that the red spheres and blue spheres in (B) represent the matrix Al atoms and solute Mg atoms, respectively. The regions with green, red, blue and light grey colors in (C) represent the FCC structure, the HCP structure, the BCC structure and the other structure (including atoms at the grain boundaries and/or interstices), respectively. The blue, pink, green, yellow, cyan, and red lines in (D) and (E) represent the /2, 1/6, 1/6, /3, /3, and other type of dislocation, respectively.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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