
Interpretable physics-informed machine learning approaches to accelerate electrocatalyst development

Figure 3. (A) The model architecture of AGAT. The top panel denotes the AGAT layer, and the bottom panel denotes the AGAT model; (B) The interpretability of the AGAT model. The attention scores of the energy and forces models compared with the energy and forces variations; (C) ML-predicted vs. DFT-calculated adsorption enthalpies in 5-fold cross-validation using RBF-GPR, WWL-GPR, and XGBoost for the simple adsorbates database, respectively; (D) The model architecture of WWL-GPR. The adsorption enthalpy for the relaxed structure is predicted by representing the initial structure as a graph. Node attributes are calculated based on the gas-phase molecule and the pristine surface. The similarity between graphs is assessed using the WWL graph kernel, and this information is then used in a GPR model. Reproduced with permission from refs[78,79]. Copyright 2023 Elsevier and Copyright 2022 Springer Nature, respectively. AGAT: Atomic graph attention; ML: machine learning; DFT: density-functional theory; RBF-GPR: radial basis function and Gaussian progress regression; WWL-GPR: Wasserstein Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernel and GPR.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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