
Interpretable physics-informed machine learning approaches to accelerate electrocatalyst development

Figure 2. (A) The model architecture of TinNet. The information transits from the graph representation of an adsorption system to the theory module to calculate adsorption energy ΔE, where ρa1ρai indicates the projected DOS onto the adsorbate frontier orbital(s) and μ1μj indicates d-band moments; (B-D) DFT-calculated vs. TinNet-predicted. (B) *OH adsorption energies of {111}W-TM surfaces, (C) *O adsorption energies at the atop the site of {111}-terminated alloy surfaces, (D) *N adsorption energies at the hollow site of (100)-terminated alloy surfaces; (E) The model architecture of ACE-GCN; (F and G) Predictions of conformational stability of unrelaxed. (F) NO* and (G) OH* using the ACE-GCN model generated by SurfGraph. Reproduced with permission from refs[74,75], licensed under Creative Commons CC BY. DOS: Density of states; DFT: density-functional theory; TM: transition metal; ACE-GCN: adsorbate chemical environment-based graph convolution neural network.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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