
Unveiling defect physics in gapped metals: a theoretical investigation into defect formation and electronic structure interplay

Figure 4. Effect of acceptor defect formation on electronic properties of gapped metals. (A) Schematic illustration of the electronic structure of n-type gapped metal for pristine and acceptor defect systems (where $$ \mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{bg}}^{\mathrm{int}} $$ is the internal band gap, Epcbm is the principal conduction band minimum, EF is the Fermi level and ECB is the occupied conduction band width defined as EF - Epcbm); (B) ECBvs. supercell size in Ca6Al7O16:VAl system containing single Al vacancy (hollow square is when all electrons are completely removed from principal conduction band). DOS: Density of states.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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