
Characterizing the wetting behavior of 2D materials: a review

Figure 6. Measurement of surface energy or forces of supported 2D materials. (A) Schematic of the surface force balance apparatus based on graphene-coated epoxy cylinders and summary of the measured surface energy (based on JKR theory)[107]; (B) Schematic of nanoindentation experiments on graphene-coated silicon oxide substrates and the measured force-separation relationships[110]; (C) Schematic illustration of an AFM tip coated with a thin graphite layer that is brought into contact with 2D materials (top panel) and typical force-distance curves measured on BN, MoS2, and graphite[112]. Figures are adapted from references[107,110,112] with permission. AFM: Atomic force microscope; FLG: few layer graphene; JKR theory: the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts theory; SLG: single layer graphene; 2D: two-dimensional.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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