
Establishing a biomonitoring baseline by characterizing the hair metabolome across age and sex using high-resolution mass spectrometry

Figure 5. Pathway enrichment analysis for 41 metabolic pathways affected by age and sex. The enriched metabolite sets of (A) age-dependent metabolites, (B) age-dependent lipids, (C) sex-dependent metabolites, and (D) sex-dependent lipids are presented. The enriched metabolite sets in metabolites and lipids are analyzed using the online software MetaboAnalyst 5.0. The x-axis displayed the -log10 (P value) from the enrichment analysis. The size of the circles for each metabolic pathway represented the enrichment ratio, calculated as observed hits divided by expected hits, while their color indicated the p values computed by enrichment analysis.

Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment
ISSN 2771-5949 (Online)


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