Figure 7. (A) TEM and (B) HRTEM of as-prepared discrepant MoO2. Reproduced with permission[177]. Copyright 2017, The Royal Society of Chemistry; (C) Schematic of the preparation of the SE-TONS sample; (D) SEM images of SE-TONS; (E) HR-TEM images of the SE-TONS sample; (F) Graphically illustration of the Li+-transport/storage behavior in the SE-TONS or A-TONS/electrolyte system. Reproduced with permission[178]. Copyright 2021, The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Chinese Chemical Society; (G) HRTEM images of SnO2/PCN; (H) Cycling performance of SnO2/PCNs//PCNs LIC. Reproduced with permission[179]. Copyright 2021, the Royal Society of Chemistry.