Modulating electronic structure of Co-N5S1 sites in Co single atom catalysts via phosphorus incorporation and nanoclusters to promote oxygen electrocatalytic activity
Atomically dispersed metal catalysts coordinated with nitrogen coordination and anchored to carbon substrates (M-N-C) have become highly effective alternatives to platinum-group catalysts for oxygen electrocatalysis. However, the catalytic efficacy of M-N-C systems remains constrained by the suboptimal performance associated with the symmetric charge distribution around the active metal centers. The synergistic co-design of asymmetric metal single-atom catalytic centers with heteroatom doping significantly enhances the bifunctional oxygen electrocatalytic activity and durability, advancing the capabilities of next-generation flexible zinc-air batteries. Herein, we developed a pyrolysis-secondary coordination strategy to generate a bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst, characterized by single Co atoms integrated within an asymmetrical Co-N5S1 moiety, along with nanocluster complexes embedded in N,P,S-codoped carbon frameworks, labeled CoSA+NC/NPSC. In the
The development of advanced catalysts equipped with green renewable energy conversion and storage technologies, such as zinc-air batteries (ZABs), lithium-sulfur batteries, lithium-air batteries, and fuel cells, presents exciting new opportunities for harnessing sustainable energy moving forward[1,2]. For these devices, a superior bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst is a cornerstone of the cathodes. These are indispensable to expedite the practical reaction rates in the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) process. Noble metal-based composites (such as Pt/C, Pd/C, Ru/C, Ir/C, etc.) with cutting-edge performance are predominantly utilized to enhance the ORR/OER process. However, due to their catalytic selectivity, sustainability, and scarcity, the further adoption of noble metal-based catalysts in the commercial market is severely constrained. This situation considerably encourages the exploration of potential substitutes. Recently, innumerable attention has been centralized on developing transition metal-based catalysts possessing practically equivalent electrocatalytic activity, excellent economic affordability, and structural robustness. Specially, single-atomic catalysts (SACs) featuring the four-coordinated MN4 moiety (M=Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, etc.), with an ultrahigh atom utilization rate and tunable electronic properties, are among the most popular electrocatalytic materials in investigation[3,4]. Ji et al. developed a single-atom iron catalyst on two-dimensional nitrogen-doped carbon support with defects (Fe1/DNC) using a microenvironment engineering approach[5]. Fe1/DNC catalysts demonstrated remarkable ORR activity in an extremely wide pH range (alkaline, acidic, and neutral) because of the synergistic enhancement impact of defect-induced electrical characteristics and FeN4(OH) moieties. In addition, Co-N4-C-[6-8] and Mn-N4-C[9,10]-based electrocatalysts also achieved fine electrocatalytic activity in the former research. Nevertheless, in the wake of further experimental studies and theoretical calculations, the symmetric microenvironment of MN4 in SACs may lead to suboptimal adsorption/desorption processes in electrocatalytic reactions, limiting the reaction kinetics of the catalyst[11-13].
Hitherto, introducing a second active site[14-16], nanoclusters (NCs)[17,18], and heteroatoms[19-21] in MN4 catalysts were corroborated to the major ways to break the symmetry of the planar structure, optimizing both electrocatalytic activity and stability of metal-nitrogen-carbon (M-N-C) composites. On the one hand, plentiful studies have manifested that the import of additional active metal atoms largely enhanced the site density of the catalysts, realizing a multi-functional synergism and excellent catalysis[22,23]. For example, Li et al. developed a Fe-Co bimetallic monoatomic catalyst with asymmetric configurations [Fe-Co(DSA)@3DNC][24]. For the seesaw interaction of the bimetallic atom, the d-band center of Fe-Co(DSA)@3DNC kept a downward shift than the symmetric Fe-Co model, which was conducive to promoting the dissociation of oxygen intermediates and boosting the ORR/OER bifunctional activity of the catalyst. Additionally, Rao et al. proposed a
Toward that end, through a straightforward pyrolysis-secondary coordination process using amberlite@Co2+ as the precursor, we designed a catalyst with cobalt NCs-decorated asymmetric CoN5S1 single-atom sites anchored in N, S, and P-codoped carbon nanosheets, labeled CoSA+NC/NPSC. The nitrogen-rich melamine (MA) was introduced in situ into the amberlite@Co2+ precursor, where nitrogen invaders partially substituted for the original Co-S moiety, prompting the generation of asymmetric Co-N5S1 sites. Simultaneously, triphenylphosphine was utilized as a phosphorus source to modulate the electron configuration of the Co SA active centers, thereby elevating the electrocatalytic efficiency and stability of the CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst. Notably, by virtue of the distinct atomic structural configuration, the optimized CoSA+NC/NPSC delivered markedly improved activities toward OER (Ej=10 = 1.58 V) and a narrow bifunctional potential gap (ΔE = 0.753 V), which was superior to the counterparts featuring symmetrical
Chemicals and reagents
Amberlite 732 [(C10H10C8H8O3SNa)x, analytical reagent (AR), Aladdin], cobalt chloride hexahydrate (CoCl26H2O, AR, Aladdin), sodium hydroxide (NaOH, AR, Aladdin), hydrochloric acid (HCl, AR, Aladdin), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) powder {-[CH2C(CH3)(COOCH3)]n-, AR, Sigma-Aldrich}, triphenylphosphine (C18H15P, AR, TCI Shanghai), MA (C3H6N6, AR, McLean), anhydrous ethanol (C2H6O, AR, Aladdin), platinum carbon composite (Pt/C, 20 wt%, Johnson Matthey), iridium oxide (IrO2, 86%, Suzhou Sinero Technology), acrylamide (C3H5NO, AR, Aladdin), N, N’-methylenebisacrylamide (C7H10N2O2, AR, Aladdin), potassium persulfate (K2S2O8, AR, Aladdin), potassium hydroxide (KOH, 95%, Aladdin), zinc acetate dihydrate
Catalysts synthesis
Preprocessing of amberlite 732
The pretreatment of amberlite 732 was performed sequentially using deionized water, sodium hydroxide, and hydrochloric acid. Initially, an excess of Milli-Q water was added to amberlite 732. The mixture was stirred for 24 h to thoroughly rinse the resin, with repeated replacements of Milli-Q water. Subsequently, dilute hydrochloric acid (5 wt%) and sodium hydroxide (5 wt%) solutions were sequentially input to remove residual impurities and facilitate ion exchange between hydrogen and sodium ions. After the pretreatment, amberlite 732 was reclaimed by filtration and dried at 50 °C.
Preparation of amberlite@Co2+ precursor
First, 1.0 g of dried amberlite 732 and 200 mL of 0.1 M cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate solution were combined in a beaker and allowed to react for 24 h to facilitate cobalt ion exchange. The resulting amberlite@Co2+ precursor was isolated by suction filtration and thoroughly rinsed with Milli-Q water. After drying, the amberlite@Co2+ precursor was ground into powder using ball milling, followed by sieving to obtain fine particles. A 1.0 g portion of amberlite@Co2+ powder was ultrasonically redispersed in 30 mL of anhydrous ethanol, to which PMMA was added in a mass ratio of 0.5:1 (amberlite@Co2+), along with
Preparation of CoSA+NC/NPSC
The amberlite@Co2+/PMMA/PPh3 precursor was thoroughly ground with adequate MA powder before being transferred to a tube furnace. In the initial heating phase, the temperature was controlled to 600 °C at a constant heating rate (2.5 °C min-1) and maintained for 2 h. Subsequently, the temperature was elevated to 900 °C for an additional 2 h under Ar atmosphere, and the obtained product was labeled CoSA+NP/NPSC. After calcination, the resulting CoSA+NP/NPSC material was further treated with a 0.3 M hydrochloric acid solution to dissolve any metal nanoparticles agglomerated during pyrolysis. The generated precipitate was collected via filtration and dried using freeze-drying, yielding the final product, designated as CoSA+NC/NPSC.
Preparation of CoSA+NC/SC and CoSA+NC/NSC
To investigate the influence of varying coordination environments and heteroatom doping on catalytic performance, CoSA+NC/SC and CoSA+NC/NSC catalysts were synthesized separately. The CoSA+NC/SC catalyst was prepared following a protocol similar to that of CoSA+NC/NPSC, differing only in inpouring excessive MA powder to the amberlite@Co2+ -PMMA precursor before calcination. In contrast, the CoSA+NC/NSC catalyst synthesis omitted inpouring an additional phosphorus source in the precursor.
Physical characterizations
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the catalysts were obtained using a Rigaku Smartlab 3KW X-ray diffractometer with Cu-Kα radiation. The overall morphology and elemental distribution were confirmed using a HITACHI UHR SU8230 scanning electron microscope (SEM) integrated with an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS). More refined details (e.g., the distribution of the NCs, corresponding diffraction, and lattice fringes) of the microscopic morphology of the catalysts were monitored by a transmission electron microscope (TEM, Tecnai G2 F20 S-Twin) in the operation voltage of 200 kV. The aperture distribution and specific surface area were calculated by N2 isothermal adsorption/desorption curves, which were gathered by a 3 Flex 4.02 gas analyzer (Micrometrics). Prior to the adsorption tests, the catalysts were degassed for 10 h at 200 °C while under vacuum. An Agilent 5110 inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) was applied to calculate the specific content of Co atoms in the samples.
The detailed coordination environment of active Co atoms within the catalysts was analyzed using X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BL14W Beamline) with Si (111) crystal monochromators. The catalysts were put into aluminum containers and then sealed with Kapton tape film prior to beamline examination. In the transmission mode, Co K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra in the catalyst and all reference samples were captured, the same as the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectrogram. The Athena and Artemis software codes processed and analyzed the spectra. Minimal alterations of the Co K-edge XANES spectra were noted between the two scans conducted on a particular sample.
Electrochemical measurements
A CHI 760e electrochemical workstation, equipped with a PINE rotating disk electrode (RDE), was employed to manage a three-electrode system for electrochemical characterization. The Hg/HgO
Assembly and testing of flexible zinc air batteries
The self-assembled flexible ZAB was configured in a sandwich architecture, comprising an anode (polished zinc foil), electrolyte [polyacrylamide (PAM) organohydrogel imbued with 6 M KOH and
Computational methods
Theoretical calculations were carried out using DFT, as incorporated in the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package[34]. The Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof[35] in conjunction with the projector augmented wave method[36] was employed to ameliorate the atomic models. All atomic coordinates were relaxed during geometric optimization until the calculated forces were reduced to below 0.05 eV Å-1. The kinetic energy cutoff was controlled at 400 eV by employing the plane wave basis set. Periodic boundary conditions were applied to the simulation of unit cells, incorporating a 15 Å vacuum layer to ensure isolation. Furthermore, the Brillouin zones were sampled using a Monkhorst-Pack grid, configured as (1 × 1 × 1)[37]. The calculations of free energy (ΔG) for each elementary step were referenced to the standard hydrogen electrode and expressed by:
Where ∆E represents the total energy change, whereas ΔS and ΔEZPE refer to the alterations in entropy and zero-point energy, respectively. The variable n represents the number of electrons. The ORR and OER adsorption energy (ΔE*OH) was further determined by:
The four intermediate steps in the ORR and OER process are enumerated as follows:
The d-band center (εd) is assessed by applying[38]:
Where ρ(ε) denotes the density of states, and ε represents the energy eigenvalue.
The synthesis of a nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus co-doped nanocarbon catalyst, featuring abundant isolated cobalt single-atom active sites and cobalt NCs, facilitated by an excess nitrogen-source-assisted pyrolysis strategy (MA), was depicted in Figure 1A. Initially, Co2+ ions were firmly encapsulated within the amberlite 732 resin through ion exchange, yielding an amberlite@Co2+ hybrid structure. Subsequently, the amberlite@Co2+ precursor was thoroughly mixed with PMMA, PPh3, and ethanol solution to incorporate soft templates and phosphorus sources. The resulting amberlite@Co2+/PMMA/PPh3 composite was then uniformly ground with MA to achieve a homogeneous mixture. This mixture was subjected to thermal treatment in a corundum crucible at 900 °C for 2 h under an argon atmosphere. During the pyrolysis, as the temperature approached the decomposition points of PMMA (270 °C) and MA (300 °C), the polymers decomposed, releasing gaseous products and forming layered C3N4, thereby generating a porous substrate. At higher temperatures (> 500 °C), the amberlite@Co2+/PMMA/PPh3 composite underwent carbonization, generating two-dimensional graphene-like nanosheets enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and cobalt species. As shown in Figure 1B, the CoSA+NP/NPSC catalyst featured aggregated nanocrystals dispersed across the carbon matrix. Notably, MA served as an efficient nitrogen source, facilitating the formation of Co-N coordination within the carbon nanosheets, disrupting the symmetric Co-S coordination environment, and leading to the formation of asymmetric CoN5S1 sites. Following the annealing process, the final CoSA+NC/NPSC electrocatalyst was obtained by treating the product with dilute hydrochloric acid
Figure 1. (A) The synthesis flowchart of CoSA+NC/NPSC; SEM pictures of (B) CoSA+NP/NPSC and (C) CoSA+NC/NPSC; (D) TEM image; (E) HRTEM image; and (F) EDS mapping of CoSA+NC/NPSC. SEM: Scanning electron microscope; TEM: transmission electron microscope; HRTEM: high resolution transmission electron microscopy; EDS: energy-dispersive spectrometer.
XANES and EXAFS spectroscopy were favorable descriptors to elucidate the detailed layout and chemical state of the Co atom active centers comprehensively. As shown in Figure 2A, the near-edge absorption energy of CoSA+NC/NPSC was situated near that of CoO, indicating the presence of a positively charged Co species, primarily in the Co2+ oxidation state. The coexistence of metallic Co-Co, Co-N, and Co-S scattering pathways suggested the coordinating atoms around the Co atom are N, S and Co atoms, respectively [Figure 2B]. To further explore the coordination environment, wavelet transform (WT)-EXAFS analysis was employed, offering enhanced resolution by distinguishing backscattering atoms, even in cases of substantial overlap in R-space, while simultaneously providing both radial distance and k-space resolution. Figure 2C presents the WT contour plots for the three k2-weighted χ(k) signals, derived using Morlet wavelets for optimal resolution. The intensity maxima, corresponding to distinct coordinates (k, R), were primarily related to the path length R and the atomic number Z. Notably, Co foil and CoS2 exhibited intensity maxima at 7.3 Å-1 (Co-Co contribution) and 5.8 Å-1 (Co-S contribution), respectively. For
Figure 2. (A) XANES spectra for the Co foil, CoO and CoSA+NC/NPSC; (B) FT-EXAFS spectra of Co K-edge in CoSA+NC/NPSC; (C) k2-weighted WT-EXAFS signals of Co foil, CoS2 and CoSA+NC/NPSC; EXAFS analysis of CoSA+NC/NPSC at (D) k and (E) R spaces, respectively; Fitting results of Co K-edge FT-EXAFS analysis in (F) k and (G) R spaces for CoSA+NC/NPSC. XANES: X-ray absorption near edge structure; EXAFS: extended X-ray absorption fine structure; FT-EXAFS: fourier transform- extended X-ray absorption fine structure; WT-EXAFS: wavelet transform- extended X-ray absorption fine structure.
The ORR activity of the CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst was rigorously evaluated using a RDE in 0.1 M KOH solution, with the CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/SC catalysts used for comparative analysis. As illustrated in Figure 3A, the linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) curves confirmed that the CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst exhibited superior ORR performance relative to its CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/SC counterparts, as evidenced by a significantly reduced overpotential. Notably, the half-wave potential (E1/2) of CoSA+NC/NPSC was measured at 0.827 V, markedly outperforming that of CoSA+NC/NSC (0.803 V) and CoSA+NC/SC (0.695 V). The ORR kinetics were further examined by evaluating the Tafel slope, as depicted in Figure 3B. The CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst exhibited a Tafel slope of 45.7 mV dec-1, lower than those of CoSA+NC/NSC (50.5 mV dec-1) and CoSA+NC/SC (89.1 mV dec-1), signifying faster ORR kinetics for CoSA+NC/NPSC. Beyond its competitive catalytic activity, the catalyst favored a highly selective four-electron (4e-) ORR pathway, a crucial factor for minimizing the generation of deleterious H2O2 byproducts, which could otherwise undermine catalyst stability. The catalytic selectivity was evaluated via Koutecky-Levich (K-L) plots [Supplementary Figure 6], with the K-L curves for CoSA+NC/NPSC across a range of rotation speeds (400-2025 rpm) confirming a predominant 4e- ORR pathway (n = 4.03), which was superior to its counterparts. The enhanced selectivity likely stems from stronger Co-O interactions in CoSA+NC/NPSC, facilitating efficient O-O bond cleavage along the 4e- ORR route. This exceptional selectivity also contributed to the catalyst’s promising long-term stability, as demonstrated by the chronoamperometric response of CoSA+NC/NPSC at 0.7 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode, where it retained 90.81% of its initial current after 24,000 s of continuous operation, affirming robust electrochemical stability in alkaline media [Figure 3C]. The OER efficacy of the CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst was assessed in 1.0 M KOH to evaluate its bifunctional catalytic performance in advanced ZABs. As shown in Figure 3D and E, the LSV curve of CoSA+NC/NPSC exhibited the lowest overpotential of 350 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm-2, presenting a notable negative shift compared to CoSA+NC/NSC (41 mV), CoSA+NC/SC (69 mV) and the IrO2/C benchmark (11 mV). The CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst further demonstrated superior OER kinetics, as reflected by the lowest Tafel slope of 33.3 mV dec-1, in contrast to 82.6, 72.3, and 98.0 mV dec-1 for CoSA+NC/NSC, CoSA+NC/SC and IrO2/C, respectively [Figure 3F]. This substantial enhancement in OER activity was likely due to the improved interaction with reaction intermediates, as theoretical studies suggested that the OER performance of CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/SC was limited by weaker intermediate binding. Furthermore, the durability of CoSA+NC/NPSC in OER electrocatalysis was confirmed by its stable chronopotentiometric response, with no discernible degradation after 60 h of continuous polarization at 10 mA cm-2 [Figure 3G]. In comparison, the potentials for
Figure 3. (A) ORR curves and (B) derived Tafel slopes CoSA+NC/SC, CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/NPSC; (C) Chronoamperometric response of CoSA+NC/SC, CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst at 0.7 V; (D) OER polarization curves; (E) overpotential and (F) the corresponding Tafel slopes of CoSA+NC/SC, CoSA+NC/NSC, and CoSA+NC/NPSC catalysts; (G) The chronopotentiometry curves of
Given the enhanced bidirectional catalytic performance of the CoSA+NC/NPSC catalyst, a flexible ZAB integrated with CoSA+NC/NPSC (cathode), Zn foil (anode), and a PAM-based organic hydrogel electrolyte with exceptional low-temperature adaptability was fabricated (denoted as ZAB-CoSA+NC/NPSC). Prior to assembly, the anti-freezing electrolyte was immersed in a solution of 6.0 M KOH and 0.2 M Zn(OAc)2 for
Figure 4. (A) Open-circuit voltage; (B) discharge power density plots and (C) the discharge specific capacity curves of flexible ZABs with CoSA+NC/SC, CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/NPSC cathode catalysts; (D) Cycling stability of the flexible ZABs at 0 °C and 5 mA cm-2); The enlarged (E) region I, (F) region II and (G) region III of (D); (H) discharge curves of CoSA+NC/SC, CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/NPSC-based apparatus at different current densities. ZABs: Zinc-air batteries.
To elucidate the synergistic effects of heteroatom doping and cobalt NCs on the properties of asymmetric CoN5S1 sites, and their promoted bifunctional oxygen electrocatalytic activity, DFT calculations were performed. Based on the findings from X-ray absorption fine structure analysis, four potential structural models of CoSA+NC/NPSC are illustrated in Supplementary Figure 9. The optimized atomic configuration was identified according to the criteria of minimal formation energy and a stable oxygen intermediate structure [Figure 5A]. For the purpose of comparative analysis, theoretical models were developed for both symmetric single-atomic cobalt moieties and phosphorus-free doped CoN5S1 sites, as illustrated in Supplementary Figure 10. By integrating the previously computed electron transfer numbers, it was determined that the ORR pathway primarily follows a 4-electron mechanism, progressing through the intermediates *O2, *OOH, *O, and *OH on the optimized Co active center [Supplementary Figures 11 and 12]. Importantly,
Figure 5. (A) Schematic presentation of side view and top view atomic model of CoSA+NC/NPSC; (B) Pathways for the CoSA+NC/NPSC at 0 V with four oxygen intermediate models inserted; (C) ORR and (D) OER free energy ladder diagrams at 1.23 V vs. RHE; (E) The theoretical d band center and (F) differential charge density of CoSA+NC/SC, CoSA+NC/NSC and CoSA+NC/NPSC (yellow and cyan represented the electron accumulation and electron depletion). ORR: Oxygen reduction reaction; OER: oxygen evolution reaction; RHE: reversible hydrogen electrode.
In summary, we have developed a bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst featuring single Co atoms integrated within an unsymmetrical Co-N5S1 moiety, along with NC complexes embedded in amberlite-derived
Authors’ contributions
Conceptualization, methodology, and writing the draft of the manuscript: Peng, J.
Contributed to the DFT theoretical calculations: Xue, T.
Graphics preparation: Li, Z.
Materials characterizations: Shi, J.
Funding acquisition, review, and editing: Wang, X.
Funding acquisition, writing-review, and editing: Xu, B.
Availability of data and materials
The data supporting their findings can be found in the Supplementary Materials.
Financial support and sponsorship
This work was supported by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee (Grant Nos. JCYJ20220818100406014 and KCXST20221021111616039) and SUSTech Energy Institute for Carbon Neutrality (High level of special funds, G03034K001). We also would like to acknowledge the technical support from SUSTech Core Research Facilities and the Center for Computational Science and Engineering at SUSTech.
Conflicts of interest
Wang, X. is affiliated with Shenzhen Putai Technology Co., Ltd, while the other authors have declared that they have no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2025.
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Peng, J.; Xue, T.; Li, Z.; Shi, J.; Wang, X.; Xu, B. Modulating electronic structure of Co-N5S1 sites in Co single atom catalysts via phosphorus incorporation and nanoclusters to promote oxygen electrocatalytic activity. Energy Mater. 2025, 5, 500060.
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Direct Import: When the Direct Import option is selected (the default state), a dialogue box will give you the option to Save or Open the downloaded citation data. Choosing Open will either launch your citation manager or give you a choice of applications with which to use the metadata. The Save option saves the file locally for later use.
Indirect Import: When the Indirect Import option is selected, the metadata is displayed and may be copied and pasted as needed.
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