
Figure 7. Application of BMSCs integrated system in monitoring physical parameters of organisms. (A) Schematic illustration of the fabrication of the GE/CNFs@PANI microfiber and application of ASSMFSC as a temperature monitoring device for different parts of the body[160]; (B) Schematic diagram of the supercapacitor/pressure sensor-integrated wearable device that can be used to monitor human physiological movement[159]; (C) Schematic diagram of the multifunctional band-aid and applications for various human activity detection[44]. Reproduced from Ref.[160], Ref.[159], and Ref.[44] with permission from Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Nano Research, and Chemical Engineering Journal, respectively. BMSCs: Biocompatible miniature supercapacitors; ASSMFSC: all-solid-state microfiber supercapacitor; GE/CNFs@PANI: graphene/cellulose nanofibrils@polyaniline.