
Figure 3. (A) Typical dQ/dV plots of N/S-CNF-700 and CNF-700 obtained from the 3rd charge-discharge cycle; (B) GCD plots before (the upper) and after pre-potassium (the lower) of N/S-CNF-700 at 0.1 A g-1; (C) Rate capacities; (D) Rate capability of N/S-CNF-700 and comparison with latest reported carbon-based anodes[3,20,50-56]; (E) Cycling properties of N/S-CNFs anodes at 1.0 A g-1; (F) CV curve (1.7 mV s-1) with pseudo-capacitive contribution (red region) of N/S-CNF-700; (G) GITT profiles and corresponding DK+ values of N/S-CNF anodes over charge-discharge processes. N/S-CNFs: N/S co-doped carbon nanofibers; GCD: galvanostatic charge-discharge tests; CV: cyclic voltammetry; GITT: galvanostatic intermittent titration technique.