
Figure 3. (A) Surface morphology of CFMF coated on Zn anode surface[36]. (B) Current distribution and electric field distribution of separator with VG (3D scaffold), and electric field distribution of pristine separator (2D planar structure)[49]. (C) Schematic diagram of CG separator inducing preferential orientation deposition of Zn. (D) The galvanostatic charge/discharge profile of Zn symmetric cells with CG or cellulose separator[50]. (E) Schematic illustration of the sub-Ångström ion tunnel of HsGDY[55]. (F) The effect of different separators on interface pH change around Zn anode. (G) Schematic diagram illustrating stabilization of interface pH and suppression of Zn dendrites using the CS@NGDY[56]. Reproduced from Ref.[36] and Refs.[49-50,55-56] with permission from Wiley-VCH and Elsevier, respectively.