
Figure 9. (A) Proposed mechanism for photocatalytic toluene oxidation using the FePPA photocatalyst; (B) In situ FTIR spectra showing the photocatalytic toluene oxidation using a-FePPA. Reprinted with permission, Copyright 2024, Wiley-VCH[170]. Proposed reaction pathways for (C) pristine TiO2 and (D) Y1/TiO2 photocatalysts. In situ DRIFTS spectra of toluene adsorbed on (E) pure TiO2 and (F) Y1/TiO2 during a 30-minute Ar flushing procedure. In situ DRIFTS spectra of toluene oxidation over (G) pure TiO2 and (H) Y1/TiO2. Reprinted with permission, Copyright 2024, American Chemical Society[60]. FTIR: Fourier transform infrared; DRIFTS: diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy.