
Figure 17. Schematics of Li deposition behaviors on lithiophilic modified scaffolds to regulate lithium nucleation and fast transport (A) on alloy SnSe-C/MGF scaffolds and Sn-C/MGF scaffolds. Reproduced with permission[91]. Copyright 2013, Royal Society of Chemistry; (B) the Li plating behavior at bare Li wafer and a CuO@Ti-mesh CTM-based anode. Reproduced with permission[95]. Copyright 2019, WILEY-VCH; (C) Li host of low lithiophilicity and high conductivity generated Li dendrites; (D) Li hosts with synergistic lithiophilicity, and conductivity showed homogeneous Li deposition and restricted Li dendrite development; (E) Host of high lithiophilicity and poor conductivity having high electrical resistance and inadequate for dendrite suppression. Reproduced with permission[96]. Copyright 2020, WILEY-VCH. MGF: Modified glass fiber film; CTM: CuO@Ti-mesh.