
Chemical bonding strategy on boosting superior Li<sup>+</sup> diffusion kinetics towards long-stable lithium metal anode

Figure 16. Illustration of lithium metal deposition on Br-doped graphene host. (A) Li+ flow is homogeneous above Br-doped graphene-like sheet and CuBr; (B) CuBr was converted into LiBr after Li plating. The selective and targeted deposition of lithium metal on Br-doping sites, as well as the surrounding LiBr, govern lithium metal nucleation into Li seeds with a pancake-like shape. Gray, blue, red, and orange denote C, Br, Cu, and Li, respectively; (C) The nucleation and development of lithium metal on modified carbon host. Reproduced with permission[94]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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