Figure 6. (A) CH4 conversion (XCH4), H2 productivity (H2pro), supplied power (P) on the spent IH (R0) catalyst as a function of temperature and TOS for a second cycling test under direct IH; (B) CH4 conversion (XCH4), H2 productivity (H2pro), supplied power (P) on the same spent IH carbon catalyst as a function of temperature and TOS under indirect JH; (C) TGA spectra of the spent IH catalyst (R0) and the one after a second cycling test under IH (R1) and JH (R1’); (D and E) C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6 distribution as a function of TOS under IH and JH mode, respectively; (F-H) Medium to high-resolution TEM micrographs of the spent IH catalyst after a second cycling test under IH mode showing highly oriented graphene planes with several defects [indicated by arrows in (H)]. IH: Induction heating; TOS: time-on-stream; JH: Joule heating; TGA: thermal gravimetric analysis; TEM: transmission electron microscopy.