
Figure 9. (A) TEM and (B) AFM images of 2D Cu-based topological structure; (C) The schematic illustration of molecular structures and energy evolution (ΔE) resulting from the local BTC ligands dissociation and the subsequent CO2 coordination on Cu(II) dimer[89]. Copyright 2021, KeAi Communications Co., Ltd; Schematic illustration of (D) typical growth and (E) PSLS strategy; (F) SEM and (G) TEM images of HP-UiO-66[90]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; AFM: atomic force microscopy; 2D: two-dimensional; BTC: trimesic acid; PSLS: post-synthetic ligand substitution; SEM: scanning electron microscopy; ΔGr: reaction free energy.