
Figure 7. (A) Formation of various heterostructures by selective epitaxial growth; (B-E) TEM images of (B) 1D/0D PCN-222/PCN-608; (C) 1D/1D PCN-222/NU-1000; and (D) 1D/2D PCN-222/PCN-134; (E) STEM image of 2D/2D Zr-BTB/PCN-134[78]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (F) 3D models and (G) TEM images of MIL-88B-on-UiO-66; (H) Schematic illustration of the formation mechanism of MIL-88B-on-UiO-66[79]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH; (I) Top and side views of the crystal structures of the (111) plane of UiO-66 and the (0002) plane of MIL-96; (J) Formation of PMOF-M; (K-M) Schematic illustration of the fabrication procedure for PMOF-M chains; (N and O) SEM images of PMOF-M chains[80]. Copyright 2021, Wiley-VCH. Scale bars: (G) 200 nm, (L) 2 μm, (N)