
Hierarchical metal–organic framework nanoarchitectures for catalysis

Figure 14. (A) TEM image of UiO-66 DHPNPs; (B) Kinetic profile for the CO2 cycloaddition reaction using different catalysts; (C) Yields of five recycle runs using UiO-66 DHPNPs-45 and microporous NCs as catalysts[57]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society; (D) SEM and (E) TEM images of 3S-mesoUiO-66-NH2 HoMSs; (F) Adsorption capacity of 3S-mesoUiO-66-NH2 HoMSs, 2S-mesoUiO-66-NH2 HoMSs, 1S-mesoUiO-66-NH2 HoMSs, and microporous crystals at varying contact times; (G) Comparison of the conversion catalyzed for catalytic cycloaddition reactions between CO2 and glycidyl-2-methylphenyl ether by multiple catalysts; (H) Schematic illustration of reactant enrichment in a 3S-mesoUiO-66-NH2 HoMS[22]. Copyright 2023, Springer Nature. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; DHPNPs: hierarchically porous MOF (UiO-66) nanoparticles; NCs: nanocrystals; SEM: scanning electron microscopy.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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