
Figure 11. (A) Schematic illustration of the transformation process from ZIF-67 to ZIF-L; (B-E) SEM images of different transformation stages[95]. Copyright 2024, American Chemical Society; (F) Formation mechanism of two distinctly pore patterns across 2D MOF surface under altered etching conditions; SEM and TEM images of (G) plus-MOF and (H) frac-MOF[96]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH. Scale bars: (B) 1 μm, (C) 1 μm, (D) 1 μm, and (E) 1 μm. ZIF: Zeolitic imidazolate framework; SEM: scanning electron microscopy; 2D: two-dimensional; MOF: metal–organic framework; TEM: transmission electron microscopy.