
Figure 2. (A) LSV curves of CoFe PBA/CF and CoFe PBA-CF samples in 1M KOH with 50 mM HMF and without HMF; (B and C) Bode phase plots of CoFe PBA/CF sample; (D) Tafel plots of CoFe PBA/CF and CoFe PBA-CF electrodes; (E) HMF reaction rate of CoFe PBA/CF and CoFe PBA-CF electrodes with varying HMF concentrations; (F) Comparison of HMF conversion, FDCA yield, and FE between CoFe PBA/CF and CoFe PBA-CF; (G) Durability test for CoFe PBA/CF sample; (H) Comparison of overpotential for CoFe PBA/CF with other reported catalysts. LSV: Linear sweep voltammetry; CoFe PBA/CF: Cu-supported CoFe Prussian blue analogue; HMF: 5-hydroxymethylfurfural; FDCA: 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid; FE: Faradaic efficiency.