
Construction of a novel tetraphenylethylene-based supramolecular dimer for improving the generation of reactive oxygen species and photocatalytic performance

Figure 2. (A) Plots of A0-A for ABDA at 378 nm upon purple light (400 nm, 10 W) irradiated for different times in the presence of ABDA, TPE-Py-I + ABDA or 2TPE-Py-I@CB[8] + ABDA; (B) the UV-vis absorption spectra of TMPD at 563 and 612 nm upon purple light (400 nm, 10 W) irradiation for 1 min in the presence of TMPD, TPE-Py-I + TMPD or 2TPE-Py-I@CB[8] + TMPD; (C) 2TPE-Py-I@CB[8] with TEMP placed in the dark environment or irradiated with purple light (400 nm, 10 W) for 1 min; (D) 2TPE-Py-I@CB[8] with DMPO placed in the dark environment or irradiated with purple light (400 nm, 10 W) for 1 min. (Experimental condition: TPE-Py-I = 20 μM, CB[8] = 10 μM, ABDA = 50 μM, TMPD = 100 μM, TEMP = 200 μM, DMPO = 200 μM.) ABDA: 9,10-anthracenediyl-bis(methylene)-dimalonic acid; TPE: tetraphenylethylene; UV-vis: ultraviolet-visible; TMPD: N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl-phenylenediamine; TEMP: 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine; DMPO: 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrrolin-N-oxide.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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