
Figure 8. (A) Schematic illustration of synthetic process of N-NiFe-MOF; (B) LSV curves of N-NiFe-MOF, NiFe-MOF, NiFe-LDH and IrO2 with a scan rate of 1 mV·s-1 (inset: corresponding overpotential at 100 mA·cm-2); (C) The corresponding Tafel slope plots from LSV curves; (D) Gibbs free energy illustration by N-NiFe-MOF (*Fe) and NiFe -MOF (*Fe) in OER process. (A)-(D) were reproduced with permission[100]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. MOF: Metal-organic framework; LSV: linear sweep voltammetry; LDH: layered double hydroxide; OER: oxygen evolution reaction.