
Figure 10. (A) Modulating electronic structure of MOFs via introducing missing linkers for efficient OER; (B) TEM image of CoBDC-NF; (C) Crystal structure of CoBDC-Fc obtained from DFT simulation; (D) Calculated DOS of CoBDC and CoBDC-Fc; (E) Free energy diagram for OER on CoBDC and CoBDC-Fc; (F) LSV curves toward OER; (G) Overpotentials at different current densities; (H) Tafel plots of different catalysts. (A)-(H) were reproduced with permission[102]. Copyright 2019, Nature Publishing Group. MOF: Metal-organic framework; OER: oxygen evolution reaction; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; BDC: 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate; NF: nickel foam; DFT: density functional theory; DOS: density of states; LSV: linear sweep voltammetry.