
Figure 1. (A and B) Schematic representation of textiles in the (A) open environments and (B) urban environments; (C) The theoretical cooling power and emissivity selective ratio for PMP, common polymer films, and textile materials; (D) The radiated power from a perfect broadband or spectrum-selective textile emitter at Tskin of 34 °C and hemispherical irradiances from the terrestrial features at Tterr of 50 °C; (E) Structure of the hierarchical SSHF; (F) Radiative heat transfer networks of SSHF in open scenario; (G) Schematic representation of the effect of wool fabrics on the absorption of thermal radiation from human skin. From Ref.[11]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. PMP: Polymethylpentene; SSHF: spectrally selective hierarchical fabric.