
Proton shuttle: a key for efficient ammonia electrosynthesis

Figure 1. (A) Schematic proton-shuttling process for lithium-mediated ammonia synthesis in a continuous flow reactor; (B) Ammonia faradaic efficiencies for a variety of proton shuttles by passing a total charge of 700 C (over 2.5 h) with the constant potential cycling (-6 mA·cm-2 for 1 min and then 0 mA·cm-2 for 1 min); (C) Demonstration of the ability of phenol for proton shuttling; (D) A 1D plot of ammonia FE vs. concentrations of proton shuttle with different pKa in THF; (E) Heatmap of the predicted ammonia FE as a function of the pKa of proton shuttle (x-axis) and diffusion coefficient (y-axis). (This figure is reproduced with permission from Fu et al.[8].) FE: Faradaic efficiency; THF: tetrahydrofuran.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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