
Up-conversion effect boosted NIR-driven photocatalytic solar fuel generation of NaYF<sub>4</sub>: Yb, Er decorated ZnIn<sub>2</sub>S<sub>4</sub> flowers with rich Zn vacancies

Figure 5. (A) PL curve of pure UCNPs when excited by a laser of 980 nm; (B) PL emission spectra of VZn-ZIS, UCNPs, and UCNPs@VZn-ZIS under the excitation of 350 nm; (C) PL decay curves of VZn-ZIS, UCNPs and UCNPs@VZn-ZIS; LSCM images of VZn-ZIS (D) and UCNPs@VZn-ZIS (E); (F) SPV spectra of VZn-ZIS, UCNPs and UCNPs@VZn-ZIS; Transient photocurrent (G) and EIS Nyquist plots (H) of VZn-ZIS, UCNPs and UCNPs@VZn-ZIS. PL: Photoluminescence; UCNPs: up-conversion nanoparticles; VZn-ZIS: Zn vacancy-rich ZnIn2S4; LSCM: laser scanning confocal microscopy; SPV: surface photovoltage; EIS: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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