
Solid-state NMR of active sites in TiO<sub>2</sub> photocatalysis: a critical review

Figure 13. (A) 13C NMR spectra of 13C6-TiO2-0. The spectrum of glucose for reference. Spectra of 13C6-TiO2-0 with spectral editing; (B) 2D 13C–13C correlation spectrum of 13C6-TiO2-0. Inserts: two structural fragments consistent with the observed cross peaks; (C) 13C NMR spectra of 13C6-TiO2-5W: quantitative (DP) spectrum of all C and corresponding spectrum of nonprotonated C, J-modulated dephasing spectra, and selection of sp3-hybridized C by a five-pulse CSA filter. Reproduced with permission from[192]. Copyright 2009, American Chemical Society. NMR: Nuclear magnetic resonance; 2D: two-dimensional; DP: direct polarization; CSA: chemical shift anisotropy.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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