
Selective electroreduction of CO<sub>2</sub> to C<sub>2+</sub> products on cobalt decorated copper catalysts

Figure 1. (A) Schematic illustration for synthesizing CoOx/CuO NWs; samples after electroreduction during CO2RR are denoted as CuCox catalysts; (B) Representative TEM image of the CuCo0.4% sample; (C) XRD of Cu and CuCox catalysts; (D) Cu 2p XPS spectra of CuCo0.4% after Co deposition, heat treatment, and electroreduction; (E) Element maps the CuCo0.4% sample; (F) Cyclic voltammograms recorded in N2 purged 1.0 M KOH capturing the surface-specific adsorption of oxygen (OH); (G) Bulk and surface atomic ratios of Co:Cu for Cu and CuCox catalysts obtained using ICP-OES and XPS, respectively. NWs: Nanowires; CO2RR: CO2 reduction reaction; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; XRD: X-ray diffraction patterns; XPS: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; ICP-OES: inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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