
Figure 11. (A) Schematic illustration of the synthesis of OCF-40 to OCF-42 through the imine condensation reaction; (B) Adsorption capacity towards iodine vapor at 77 °C under ambient pressure of OCF-40 to OCF-42 and POC-10. (A and B) were reproduced with permission[86]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society; (C) Schematic illustration of the synthesis of hierarchical OCF-43 via the electrostatic crosslinking; (D) PXRD patterns of OCF-43 and POC-14; (E) Time-dependent iodine vapor uptake plot of OCF-43 at 75 °C under ambient pressure; (F) Diagram of the homemade filter device constructed from OCF-43 for capturing iodine vapor. (C-F) were reproduced with permission[88]. Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH. OCF: Organic cage-based framework; POC: porous organic cage; PXRD: powder X-ray diffraction.