
On-surface synthesized magnetic nanoclusters of ferrocene derivatives

Figure 3. (A) High-resolution TEM images and (B) corresponding FFT patterns of a C24H24FeNP nanocluster on a GO nanosheet; (C) High-resolution TEM images and (D) corresponding FFT patterns of an AFc nanocluster on a GO nanosheet; The main spots of the FFT patterns correspond to the lateral molecular arrangement of Fe ions in the molecules shown schematically in (E) the C24H24FeNP and (F) the AFc nanocluster; (G) The fundamental unit of the lateral arrangement is formed three-dimensionally by the corresponding Fe ions (orange and blue dots). TEM: Transmission electron microscope; FFT: fast Fourier transform; GO: graphene oxide; AFc: amino-ferrocene.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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