
On-surface synthesized magnetic nanoclusters of ferrocene derivatives

Figure 2. (A) A topological AFM image of C24H24FeNP nanoclusters on the GO nanosheet (reaction time: 96 h); (B) A cross-sectional line profile of the nanocluster marked with yellow triangle in (A); (C) Histogram of the heights of C24H24FeNP nanoclusters on the GO nanosheets (reaction time: 96 h). Red and blue solid lines show the Gaussian distribution fitted to the data for the C24H24FeNP-GO and AFc-GO sheets; (D) Schematic sequential illustration of the on-surface chemical reaction in which the molecule covalently bonded to the GO nanosheet acts as a nucleus for crystal growth. AFM: Atomic force microscope; GO: graphene oxide; AFc: amino-ferrocene.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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