
On-surface synthesized magnetic nanoclusters of ferrocene derivatives

Figure 1. (A) A TEM image of several C24H24FeNP-GO sheets (reaction time: 96 h) on a supporting carbon network of the TEM grid; (B) The amount of Fe atoms adsorbed on the GO nanosheets as a function of reaction time for chemical reaction of C24H24FeNP-GO sheets with (red open triangle) and without coupling agents (red open triangle) and AFc-GO sheets with coupling agents (blue open circle); (C) Inset: Molecular structures of the C24H24FeNP molecule. A TEM image of a GO nanosheet after chemical reaction of C24H24FeNP with coupling agents for 96 h; (D) Inset: Molecular structures of AFc molecule. A TEM image of a GO nanosheet after chemical reaction of AFc molecules with coupling agents for 24 h. Dark regions in (C and D) correspond to the nanoclusters of ferrocene derivatives; (E) Histogram of the diameter of C24H24FeNP-GO sheets (reaction time: 96 h). Red and blue solid lines show the Gaussian fit to the data for C24H24FeNP-GO and AFc-GO sheets; (F) Histogram of the number of nanoclusters in small areas of the C24H24FeNP-GO sheets using the quadra-count method; (G) TOF mass spectrum of C24H24FeNP-GO sheets. Inset: magnified spectrum at about 413 amu. TEM: Transmission electron microscope; GO: graphene oxide; AFc: amino-ferrocene; TOF: time-of-flight.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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