
Crystal facet engineering of electrocatalysts for nitrate reduction to ammonia: recent advances and future perspectives

Figure 7. Electrocatalysts with high-index facets for the NtrRR. (A) TEM image, SAED pattern of a THH Cu NC (left panel), atomic model of (520) facet (middle), and Faraday efficiencies of various Cu catalysts (right). Reproduced with permission[52]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier; (B) SEM image, TEM image, and the corresponding SAED patterns of concave TOH Au–Pd NCs (left panel), optimized structures of intermediates of *NO3-, *NO2- + *O, *NO2- and *NO + *O (middle), and free energy profiles for NtrRR on Au (111) and (331), and TOH Au–Pd NCs (right). Reproduced with permission[53]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society; (C) Faraday efficiencies of main products at different working potentials of TOH Au–Pd NCs (left panel), NH3 yield rate and Faraday efficiencies of Au (111), Au (331), and TOH Au–Pd NCs (middle), and FE of main products of Au (111), Au (331), and TOH Au–Pd NCs at -1.15 V vs SCE (right). Reproduced with permission[53]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy; SAED: selected area electron diffraction; THH: tetrahexahedron; NC: nanocrystals; SEM: scanning electron microscope; TOH: trisoctahedron; FE: Faraday efficiency; SCE: saturated calomel electrode.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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