
Figure 9. (A) LSV curves of CoPc-PI-COF-3 in CO2 and Ar saturated electrolyte; (B) Faradaic efficiency diagrams of different COFs electrodes; (C) Scan rate dependence of cyclic voltammetry response of CoPc-PI-COF-3; (D) Partial CO current density of different COFs electrodes; (E) jCO of 3D COF electrocatalyst and of Por/Pc-containing reticular materials performed in an H-type electrochemical cell; (F) Durability performance of 3D COF electrode at -0.80 V; (G) Schematic diagram of preparing MPc-PI-COF-3 with pts net. Reproduced with permission from ref[207], Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH. COFs: Covalent organic frameworks; 3D: three-dimensional.