
Figure 11. (A) Galvanostatic charge/discharge profiles of the S@3D-flu-COF electrode at various rates; (B) Rate performance of the S@3D-flu-COF and S@C electrodes at various rates; (C) Cycling stability of the S@3D-flu-COF and S@C electrodes at 0.5 C; (D) Cycling stability of the S@3D-flu-COF electrode at 5.0 C; (E) Comparison of the rate performances of COF-based sulfur host materials; (F) CVs of the S@3D-flu-COF electrode at scan rates ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 mV·s-1; (G) Li+ diffusion coefficient of S@3D-flu-COF and S@C electrodes; (H) Nyquist plots of the S@3D-flu-COF and S@C electrodes; (I) Schematic diagram of preparing 3D-flu-COF with flu net. Reproduced with permission from ref[39], Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society. 3D: Three-dimensional; COF: covalent organic framework.