
Figure 10. Strain engineering on electrocatalysis and its mechanism analysis. (A) High-resolution STEM image of a WS2 monolayer exhibiting the highly distorted and strained 1T phase; (B) Relationship between 1T phase concentration and catalytic activity at different temperatures; (C) The absorption free energy of atomic hydrogen on the surface of distorted 1T phase under different strains; (A-C): quoted with permission from Voiry et al.[130]; (D) Schematic illustration of HER catalyzed by a monolayer MoS2 on nanoporous gold; (E) Annular bright-field STEM image illustrating the variation in S-Mo-S bonding angles (α); (D-E): quoted with permission from Tan et al.[132]; (F) Schematic diagram of a core/shell nanostructure consisting of Co9S8 and single-layer MoS2; (G) Comparison of overpotentials for HER at 10 mA·cm-2 among various Co9S8/nL MoS2 (n = 1-5) and Pt/C catalysts; (H) Absorption energy of H in strained MoS2 with ε% strain; (I) Reactive pathways for the transformation of hydrogen atoms into hydrogen molecules on Co9S8/1L MoS2 for HER; (J) Schematic of hydrogen atom transforms to hydrogen molecule on the surface of Co9S8/1L MoS2; (F-J): quoted with permission from Zhu et al.[134]. HER: Hydrogen evolution reactions; STEM: scanning transmission electron microscopy.