
Figure 6. (A) Schematic illustration of the carbon corrosion mechanisms. This figure is quoted with permission from Wan et al.[99]. (B) Schematic demonstration of three models of Fe-N-C catalysts composed of Fe particles, Fe particles with a carbon layer, and FeNx sites. This figure is quoted with permission from Choi et al.[97].(C) Comparison of the quantity of leached metal after 200 cycles AST (O2 or Ar environment) in alkaline media. (D) The amount of dissolved Fe normalized to the applied electric charge. Relative losses of the power density (PD) at 0.65 V RHE (E) and the Fe content (F) over the Ar-AST-200, O2-AST-200, O2-AST-2000, or Ar-AST-2000 procedures. These figures are quoted with permission from Ku et al.[98].