
Figure 2. TEM images of (A) HOF-1; (B) CA@HOF-1; and (C) CA@Lys-HOF-1; (D) XRD patterns; (E) FTIR spectra; (F) pore size distribution; and (G) CO2 adsorption capacity of HOF-1, CA@HOF-1, and CA@Lys-HOF-1.
Figure 2. TEM images of (A) HOF-1; (B) CA@HOF-1; and (C) CA@Lys-HOF-1; (D) XRD patterns; (E) FTIR spectra; (F) pore size distribution; and (G) CO2 adsorption capacity of HOF-1, CA@HOF-1, and CA@Lys-HOF-1.
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